The script has been updated ***

What it does?
When you press TAB (by deafult,showscores),you will have some un-lag options (rate,fps_max,cl_updaterate).It also switches the hand to the onse selected by you.Overwrite "HAND_HERE" with the hand you want to use: "left" for left-hand or "right" for right-hand.If you don't select,a message will be displayed in your console.

Copy it in your config.cfg or userconfig.cfg file,in your cstrike dirrectory.

alias +hand "+showscores"
alias -hand "-showscores;HAND_HERE;rate 25000;fps_max 101;cl_updaterate 20"
alias left "cl_righthand 0"
alias right "cl_righthand 1"
alias HAND_HERE "echo You forgot to select the hand !"
bind tab +hand
echo Improoved showscores activated.