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Custom Userconfig.cfg

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This is my userconfig.cfg
It is very organized

Custom Commands Section for just your commands
Better FPS Script (Makes Gameplay Smoother)
Defuser Accelerator (Just push E like you would normally)
Bunny Hop Script (Hold Space)
Select Fire Config (Push down the scroll wheel to change modes)
Auto Recoil Script

Please Comment
This is my first FPSBANANNA Submission so please don't flame


/------------------------------//**Your Commands**\--------------------------------\

cl_showfps 1

//------------------------------//**Azamat's Defuser Config**\--------------------------------\

alias +jkdsjfoshfjihaf "alias _special @jkdsjfoshfjihaf;@jkdsjfoshfjihaf"
alias -jkdsjfoshfjihaf "alias _special;-showscores"
alias @jkdsjfoshfjihaf "special; +showscores;wait;wait; -showscores;wait;wait"
alias +fsdkfspdo "+use;+jkdsjfoshfjihaf"
alias -fsdkfspdo "-use;-jkdsjfoshfjihaf"
bind e +fsdkfspdo
developer 1
developer 0

//------------------------------//**Azamat's Better FPS Config**\--------------------------------\

developer 1
rate 25000
cl_cmdrate 101
cl_updaterate 101
cl_shadows 0
cl_minmodels 1
max_shells 0
max_smokepuffs 0
fps_max 150
fps_modem 0
mat_dxlevel -70

//------------------------------//**Azamat's Bunny-Hop Config**\--------------------------------\

bind "SPACE" "+bhop" 
alias +bhop "alias _special @bhop;@bhop" 
alias -bhop "alias _special" 
alias @bhop "special;wait;+jump;wait;-jump"

//------------------------------//**Azamat's Select-Fire Config**\--------------------------------\

// Select Fire
bind mouse1 +attack
alias "w3" "wait; wait; wait"
alias "dev1" "developer 1"
alias "dev0" "developer 0"

alias "burst" "unbind mouse1; +attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack; w3; bind mouse1 burst"
alias "semiauto" "unbind mouse1; +attack;wait;-attack; bind mouse1 semiauto"
alias "fullauto" "unbind mouse1; alias _special @fullauto; @fullauto; bind mouse1 +fullauto"
alias @fullauto "special; wait; +attack; wait; -attack"
alias +fullauto "alias _special @fullauto; @fullauto"
alias -fullauto "alias _special"

alias "mode0" "bind mouse1 semiauto; dev1; say Switched to semi-automatic; dev0; speak sound/weapons/pinpull; alias firemode mode1"
alias "mode1" "bind mouse1 burst; dev1; say Switched to Burst-Fire mode; dev0; speak sound/weapons/pinpull; w3; w3; speak sound/weapons/pinpull; w3; w3; speak sound/weapons/pinpull; alias firemode mode2"
alias "mode2" "bind mouse1 fullauto; dev1; say Switched to automatic; dev0; speak sound/weapons/pinpull; w3; speak sound/weapons/pinpull; w3; speak sound/weapons/pinpull; w3; speak sound/weapons/pinpull; w3; speak sound/weapons/pinpull; alias firemode mode3"
alias "mode3" "bind mouse1 +attack; dev1; say Switched to standard fire; dev0; speak sound/weapons/boltpull1; alias firemode mode0"
alias "firemode" "mode0"

bind "mouse3" "firemode"

//------------------------------//**Azamat's Anti-Recoil Config**\--------------------------------\

alias "@GarfIIeld|Moderator[Shake]" "GarfIIeld|Moderator[Down];GarfIIeld|Moderator[Up]"
alias "+GarfIIeld|Moderator[Shot]" "@GarfIIeld|Moderator[Shake];+attack"
alias "-GarfIIeld|Moderator[Shot]" "-attack"
alias "GarfIIeld|Moderator[Down]" "+lookdown;wait;-lookdown"
alias "GarfIIeld|Moderator[Up]" "+lookup;wait;-lookup"
alias "GarfIIeld|Moderator[ON/OFF]" "GarfIIeld|Moderator[OFF]"
alias "GarfIIeld|Moderator[OFF]" "bind mouse1 +attack;clear;echo;echo GarfIIeld`s Anti-Recoil Script - The New Generation [No Lag] is *Deactivated*;echo;alias GarfIIeld|Moderator[ON/OFF] GarfIIeld|Moderator[ON]"
alias "GarfIIeld|Moderator[ON]" "bind mouse1 +GarfIIeld|Moderator[Shot];clear;echo;echo GarfIIeld`s Anti-Recoil Script - The New Generation [No Lag] is *Activated*;echo;alias GarfIIeld|Moderator[ON/OFF] GarfIIeld|Moderator[OFF]"

// Settings:

bind "mouse1" "+GarfIIeld|Moderator[Shot]"
bind "INS" "GarfIIeld|Moderator[ON/OFF]"
cl_pitchspeed "101" <-- Change this value to change the power of the anti-recoil, higher number = stronger anti-recoil.
cl_updaterate "101"
cl_cmdrate "101"
fps_max "101"
rate "25000"



это как работает?


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