This is a simple script that allows you to quickly record something, and you don't have time to type record into console. If you want to record in secret, just delete the "say: Recording to demo#" commands! :P

There soon will be an option to enable/disable secret recording, in wich case the only thing that will allow you to see if you're recording or not, is the crosshair color. This is useful if you want to record nerds or idiots making retarded voices or fighting over the mic, and you fear you might miss some great footage by having to take time typing in the console, or if you are about to own someone and again, no time to write in the console, you can just reflexively press a button and off you go!

It also has a currently really simple option to play the last recorded file, tough upon re-execution this will be reset along with the recorded demo names, so remember to rename your demos after you are finished!

Copy the code, and paste it into your steamapps/username/counter-strike/cstrike/userconfig.cfg or autoexec.cfg!

Your demos are saved into your /cstrike folder as demo1-10.dem files. Just rename them to have more demos available to record.

To play the renamed demos, type this into the console:
playdemo "name"
Replace "name" with the name you renamed your demo to, without the quotes.

If you want to record your demo into a video file, download fraps, and while playing the demo, press F9 or whatever key you set to recording, and it will record. You can see if it's currently recording from the fps counter in the top-left(default) being red. It will only allow you to record 30 seconds per file, so either buy it or make pauses at not-so important moments, and start recording at the interesting parts again. You could also sneakily torrent it, but i'm not helping you with that, hehehe! :P

Well, good luck and please enjoy!

// Command Aliases
alias full "say Record Files Are Full: Please rename the demos and restart the game or execute adr.cfg again to record more.;echo Record Files Are Full: Please rename the demos and restart the game or execute adr.cfg again to record more."
alias stoprec "stop;w10;say Finished recording.;echo Finished recording.;bind v shoot;cl_crosshair_color 0 255 0"
alias shoot "shoot1"
alias playlast "nolast"
alias nolast "echo There is no last recording.;Say There is no last recording.;"

alias w1 "wait;"
alias w10 "wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;"
alias w100 "w10;w10;w10;w10;w10;w10;w10;w10;w10;w10;"

//Demo aliases: Add more if you would like more free slots.
alias shoot1 "say recording to demo1;w10;record demo1;cl_crosshair_color 255 0 0;bind v stoprec;alias shoot shoot2;alias playlast playdemo demo1;"
alias shoot2 "say recording to demo2;w10;record demo2;cl_crosshair_color 255 0 0;bind v stoprec;alias shoot shoot3;alias playlast playdemo demo2;"
alias shoot3 "say recording to demo3;w10;record demo3;cl_crosshair_color 255 0 0;bind v stoprec;alias shoot shoot4;alias playlast playdemo demo3;"
alias shoot4 "say recording to demo4;w10;record demo4;cl_crosshair_color 255 0 0;bind v stoprec;alias shoot shoot5;alias playlast playdemo demo4;"
alias shoot5 "say recording to demo5;w10;record demo5;cl_crosshair_color 255 0 0;bind v stoprec;alias shoot shoot6;alias playlast playdemo demo5;"
alias shoot6 "say recording to demo6;w10;record demo6;cl_crosshair_color 255 0 0;bind v stoprec;alias shoot shoot7;alias playlast playdemo demo6;"
alias shoot7 "say recording to demo7;w10;record demo7;cl_crosshair_color 255 0 0;bind v stoprec;alias shoot shoot8;alias playlast playdemo demo7;"
alias shoot8 "say recording to demo8;w10;record demo8;cl_crosshair_color 255 0 0;bind v stoprec;alias shoot shoot9;alias playlast playdemo demo8;"
alias shoot9 "say recording to demo9;w10;record demo9;cl_crosshair_color 255 0 0;bind v stoprec;alias shoot shoot10;alias playlast playdemo demo9;"
alias shoot10 "say recording to demo10;w10;record demo10;cl_crosshair_color 255 0 0;bind v stoprec;alias shoot full;alias playlast playdemo demo10;"

// The Binds: Change them to your liking.
bind v "shoot"
bind p "playlast"

// The Instructions Are Echoed Into The Console: Please Read Them Carefully.
echo Impossible9's Quick Demo Recorder is loaded.
echo Press V to start and stop recording.
echo -------------------------------------------
echo Black Crosshair Means Not Recording
echo Red Crosshair Means It's Recording.
echo NOTE: The started/stopped chat messages will NOT be included in the demo file!
echo -------------------------------------------
echo Press p to play the last recording.
echo The script always resets every time you re-execute it, therefore it will overwrite 
echo your demos if you don't rename them!!!
echo -------------------------------------------
echo Please enjoy!